• The Artisan's Atelier

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“As a good suit can last for decades, it’s worth spending a few hours getting it right.”

Bespoke Executive Tailor

Re-constructing the human body in fabric

Customers live different lifestyles, have different personal fits and preferences about comfort and style. Your personal tailor will get to know you so he or she can best guide you through the joy of choosing every detail of your De-Luxe's suit. Select each element of your garments architecture, from the fabric, to the cut, style, and silhouette, to the buttons, lapel, and lining, and allow our master tailors to advice you and bring the fabric to life with all the subtle and unseen details that make our clothing unmistakably De-Luxe Tailor.

De-Luxe unique style

Your exclusive experience begins with a first appointment with a Bespoke ambassador and your personal tailor, who will walk you through every step of the garment’s creation. The tailor will then take your measurements to create a unique pattern adapted to your body down to the millimeter.

Once your preferred design features are set, we will create a customized blueprint for the fabric cutting. It takes six to eight weeks to let a De-Luxe's garment come to life, thanks to the meticulous work and specialist skill of our craftsmen.

You will meet your master tailor for two fittings before your bespoke garment is finalized to ensure that every element is executed to perfection.

First time customer and want to place a remote order? Lets get started! Fill our the form below we’ll reach out to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to send us a message on Whatsapp (+852) 6019 6910.

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